In CRESCENDO presented by Haas, two competing alliances are invited to score notes, amplify their speaker, harmonize onstage, and take the spotlight before time runs out. Alliances earn additional rewards for meeting specific scoring thresholds and for cooperating with their opponents. 


a Titan, the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, and mother of the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis.


The most important part of the robot, the drivetrain is built to be as modular, simple and robust as possible.

  • 27 x 27 in Swerve Architecture 
  • MK4i Modules driven by NEO motors in an L2 Configuration
  • Rated Maximum speed 14 feet/s
  • Self contained electronics allows for easy and fast iteration, allowing the robot chassis to drive and be tested without the upper subsystems needing to be attached
  • Built in encoders and gyro sensors aid in autonomous operations as well as odometry 

Ground Intake

The second-most important part of the robot, the ground intake enables game piece manipulation, and as a result shooting or amping.

  • Frame extension style under-the-bumper ground intake.
  • Full width acquisition with centering wedges allows not having to center the robot to pick up notes
  • Powered by 2 NEO Motors in a 4:1 Reduction
  • Custom Cast Urethane petunia-profile intake rollers aid in game piece grip
  • IR beam break aids in game piece acquisition detection
  • Coordinates with LED signalling lights to communicate intake state to the drivers.

Pivot Arm

The arm-superstructure holds the vital components to support, and power the pivot assembly that contains the shooter

  • Single joint arm used for shooter aim control
  • Dead axle construction
  • Powered by 2 NEOs in a 56:1 Reduction
  • Absolute encoder in the output shaft allows for precise and reliable movement
  • Fast gearing allows for scoring setpoints to be achieved within 1 second
  • Tensioning mechanism and mitigations implemented to minimize backlash as much as possible
  • Mounting to superstructure designed in a way that it can be easily removed, serviced and/or replaced.


The shooter enables the robot to score into the speaker, constant iteration and design goals enabled this to be a fast and consistent shooter.

  • Combined Indexer-Shooter Assembly
  • Horizontal flywheels powered by 2 NEOs in 1:1 with custom-cast 3.25 inch Urethane flywheels.
  • Indexer rollers Powered by a NEO on a 3:1 reduction using custom-cast 2 inch compliant rollers.
  • Horizontal compression of 2 inches and vertical compression (at the flywheel) of 0.5 inches allow for consistent indexing and shooting
  • Sides lined with HDPE strips to reduce friction

Human Player Intake and Amp Scorer

This multi-purpose mechanism bridges the gap between the intake and shooter, enabling a seamless handoff, while also functioning as an amp scoring mechanism, as well as a contingency Human Player (HP) Intake.

  • Powered by a NEO on a 3:1 Reduction
  • The indexer intake facilitates as the handoff point from the ground intake to the indexer-shooter
  • Amp Scoring function reduces complexity in control, allowing for amp scoring in stow configuration in as little time as possible.
  • Human Player intake function serves as a redundancy to the main ground intake as well as aid in direct HP handoffs.


The climber enables the robot to achieve the endgame portion of a match, with the capability of a harmony climb and multi directional hooks, it allows for a versatile sub 3 second climb.

  • 2 Off-the-shelf TTB Climbing block kits with a custom hook and gearbox
  • Dual sided hook allows for climbing from either the front or the back of the robot.
  • 18:1 Gearing with a NEO motor for each climber allows for fast deploy and climb while using motor-based braking once climb has been achieved.
  • Sensorless homing allows for 1-button climber resets after a match has concluded.
  • Full 3D Pose Estimation in all phases of the game using Orange Pi 5 with a Global-Shutter Camera, allowing to aid in scoring as well as odometry correction, on-the-fly shooting and drive-to-location functionality.
  • Autonomous Pathplanning using PathPlanner and Choreo, allows for seamless and intuitive autonomous path generation.
  • Automated commands for alignment and scoring, reducing driver stress and increasing cycle times.
  • LED signaling system enables the robot to signal and communicate various states to both the human player and the drivers.
  • Trapezoidal motion profiles on the drivetrain and arm allow for smooth and accurate motion

Driver: Alana E

Operator: Arjun N

Human Player: John V

Technician: Max G, Daniel B, and Xavier M

Drive Coach: Jordan Earl

  • ONT District Humber Event
    • Event Winner
    • Engineering Inspiration Award
    • Deans List Semifinalist (Alice Z.)
  • ONT District McMaster Event
    • Event Finalists
    • District Event Impact Winner
  • ONT District Championships
    • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
    • Deans List Finalist (Alice Z.)
  • World Championships
  • Robots @ CNE (Offseason)
    • Event Finalists
  • Overtime Sunday (Offseason)

Open Alliance

Team 3161 is proud to be once again, part of the Open Alliance for the 2024 Season

Documentation Files

Find our season specific information for this year such as build logs, supporting collaterals and technical information here