In the game, the alliances win via getting the scoring elements (2′-diameter exercise balls) into the scoring areas located on the far end of the field. The game starts with each robots in either the White Zone (center field) or the goalie zones. They can be preloaded with 1 game ball prior to the start. The match begins with a 10-second autonomous period, where robots use the pre-programmed instructions to score points. Said points are worth 5 more during the Autonomous period, and one goal will be lit up (“hot”) during each half.  In addition, every robot that moves from the center to their own side of the field earns another five point bonus. . The robots can then do either the basic goal score (take the ball to the other end of the field), or assist them in doing so. The recipient of the latter will earn bonus points. Throwing the ball over the truss (the midpoint overhang) when transferring, a la volleyball, will add 10 additional points. Having an alliance partner catch it will earn 10 more points. A robot in the goalie zones can block shots via extending upwards.


oUR 2014 robot
  • 4WD 4” Diamond Tread VexPro Traction Wheels
  • 4CIM and 2MiniCIM powering single speed Direct Drive
  • Geared at 11:72 for approximately 12 fps
  • linear shooter using two stacked COTS compression springs
  • springs compressed in the “spring box” usinbg a stainless steel plunger
  • Igus rod with plastic hub and lexan to “punch” the ball
  • pulled by a custom winch
  • Repackaged VexPro BallShifter and AM Toughbox powered by one CIM geared at 35.7:1
  • Uses a 2” bore cylinder to shift the ball shifter into neutral, releasing the shooter
  • Attached by a pulley to the back of the shooter rod
  • one inch polycarbonate bottom “prongs” to hold the ball up
  • 50% polycarbonate top “prong” with roller on end
  • roller 16” across, two 4” VexPro DT wheels on the outsides, four 2” Banebot wheels in the center
  • roller powered by a 20:1 Versaplanatary gearbox
  • top arm pivots using a 1 ¼ ” cylinder to open for shooting and passing, closes for pick up and ball control
  • claw pivots like an inverted pendulum using a 147:1 custom gearbox coded using “PIDulum”
  • 0.100” sheet metal “wings” halfway up the claw to prevent sideways movement of ball in fork

Driver: Emma O

Operator: Nolan W

Human Player: Lauryn F

Drive Coach: Krysta P

Greater Toronto East Regional

Waterloo Regional

Curie Division (FIRST Championships)